Ukraine will not lay down weapons: President Zelensky
Ukraine will not lay down weapons: President  Zelensky

KIEV: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky denied claims that the country's soldiers would disband and flee on Saturday.

"We will not lay down our arms; we have faith in our troops and country." We'll take care of it. Glory to Ukraine!" According to report, Zelensky stated that he did not leave Kiev, which had been heavily shelled overnight.

At least 35 Kiev civilians, including two children, were hurt in battles with Russian forces or shelling, according to Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko.  198 Ukrainians, including three children, have been killed in Russia's assault against Ukraine, according to Ukrainian Health Minister Viktor Liashko.

Ukraine shot down a Russian transport plane IL-76 near Vasylkiv town in Kiev, according to the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. He remarked outside his office, "A lot of misleading material has arisen on the internet alleging that I reportedly called on our troops to lay down its arms and that evacuation is beginning." "Our fact is that this is our land, our country, our children, and we will protect all of this," he stated, wearing olive green military-style attire and looked fatigued but determined.

Russian President Vladimir Putin approved a "special military operation" in Ukraine on Thursday.

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