Conversion Act: Wife reached police station against husband's act, know what's the matter
Conversion Act: Wife reached police station against husband's act, know what's the matter

Lucknow: A Muslim woman from Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh has leveled sexual allegations against her husband and mother-in-law. The woman has lodged a complaint against husband Syed Hasnain Ashraf and mother-in-law Shadia at Indira Nagar police station for conducting a love jihad drive. The woman told police that her husband and mother-in-law were trapping non-Muslim women and converting them to Islam. She said Hasnain is the sajjadanshin (big fakir of the dargah) of a dargah in Bengaluru. They are getting money from abroad for conversion. His relatives are also involved in this work.

According to Inspector Ajay Prakash Tripathi, the woman has said that her husband Hasnain has threatened to kill her. Hasnain has asked her to convert four Hindu women and if she does not do so, he will immortalize the entire family, including her London-based brother. When the woman refused to listen to him, her Hasnain beat her up and threw her out of the house. The inspector further said that the victim Umma Kulsum of Khuramnagar has alleged that her husband living in Bengaluru traps Hindu women. Then he makes them Muslims by giving them a glimpse of marriage. People of all religions come to the dargah, taking advantage of which he brainwashes and converts people.

According to reports, the victim, hearing the ordeal, told the police that she had a nikah with Hasnain in 2019. A few days after the nikah, Hasnain started assaulting her. Her husband and mother-in-law Shadia used to pressure her every day to make friends with Hindu women and introduce them to his husband. When the woman refused, the husband threatened to kill her entire family. The woman added, "When I was pregnant, Hasnain had married a girl named Richa Pahwa and made her a Muslim and changed her name to Madiha.”

According to the victim, when the husband and mother-in-law were not even more in mind, the in-laws started demanding dowry from her. "I underwent an embryo test when I was pregnant," she says. As soon as they found out I had a daughter in my stomach, they pressured me to have an abortion. He also said, "If you don't have an abortion, bring Rs. 25 lakhs from your own to support her. My brother, who worked in London, saved my daughter's life by sending Rs 7.50 lakh.'' In this case, Indira Nagar Police has registered a case under sections including Conversion Act, Dowry Harassment, Death Threats, and initiated investigation. Police have also informed the UP ATS in this regard.

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