Vastu Shastra and Astrology Hold Great Significance in Hinduism
Vastu Shastra and Astrology Hold Great Significance in Hinduism

In Hinduism, Vastu Shastra and astrology are considered very important. Vastu Shastra mentions that different directions can have Vastu defects, which can cause various problems for individuals. To overcome these issues, there are rituals to worship different deities based on the direction, helping people eliminate defects and solve life problems. Vastu Shastra is regarded as a significant branch of astrology, working on the principles of land, directions, and energy, and informing about the auspicious and inauspicious outcomes related to construction.

According to scriptures, if there is a Vastu defect in the house, the atmosphere becomes negative, causing unnecessary obstacles in many auspicious works. Vastu Shastra suggests worshipping different deities to eliminate Vastu defects in various directions. Generally, scriptures mention ten directions, but Vastu defects are considered only for eight directions.

In the eastern direction, the deity is Surya (the Sun God). A Vastu defect in this direction can lead to problems in father-son relationships, job issues, and loss of reputation and prestige. To remove the defect, one should regularly offer water to the sun and recite the Aditya Hridaya Stotra. Chanting the Gayatri Mantra can also help.

The western direction is governed by Shani (Saturn). A Vastu defect here can cause problems related to Saturn. To eliminate these issues, worship Shani and recite the Shani Chalisa every Saturday. Additionally, light a mustard oil lamp in front of Hanuman.

In the northern direction, the deity is Budh (Mercury). Defects in this direction can cause financial problems. To resolve these, establish a Budh Yantra at home and worship it, along with offering prayers to Ganapati.

The southern direction is associated with Mangal (Mars) and Yamaraja (the god of death). A defect here increases anger and creates situations of conflict. Regularly worship Hanuman to remove these defects.

The northeast direction is known as Ishan Kon, governed by Guru (Jupiter) and Shiva. A Vastu defect here can cause marital issues. Worship Shiva and Mata Gauri and keep the northeast direction clean to remove these defects.

The southeast direction, known as Agneya Kon, is governed by Shukra (Venus). A defect here can lead to a lack of material comforts and unsuccessful love relationships. Worship Mata Lakshmi and establish a Shukra Yantra to resolve these issues.

The southwest direction, known as Nairitya Kon, is governed by Rahu and Ketu. To remove defects here, offer water to Shiva daily and donate seven types of grains to mitigate Rahu and Ketu's effects.

The northwest direction, known as Vayavya Kon, is governed by Chandra (the Moon). A defect here can cause stress, colds, mental issues, and reproductive problems. Chant Chandra's mantra and worship Mahadev to remove these defects.

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