VOSAH (Voice of Stray Animals- Hapur), a Noble Cause for the Loyal but Frail Breed
VOSAH (Voice of Stray Animals- Hapur), a Noble Cause for the Loyal but Frail Breed

tyle="text-align: justify;">Hapur:  Voice of Stray Animals Hapur is an initiative for animal welfare especially paralyzed & disabled stray dogs, through financed shelter homes and many other health facilities. 

VOSAH is a non-government company that provides abandoned and disabled and paralyzed animals that roam on the streets, injured by rash driving or any other accident. As earlier, rescuing animals earlier was not easy due to insufficient resources. However, VOSAH has managed to deliver its services through a good sum of funding. 
Harendra Singh, the organization’s owner, is an upstanding man for bringing this generous idea into action. He ditched his high-paying job as a software engineer after he ran into an injured dog on the street, which could not survive due to lack of treatment. 
He then decided to serve on this cause to help and provide sufficient facilities to the homeless and handicapped animals. He invested his profit earned through his small business in VOSAH to get required essentials although people are fully supporting them through donations. 
Humanitarians living pan India contact them through VOSAH social media accounts regarding the cases and can donate via contacting.
His projects involve vaccinating the animals, neutering and delivering all other necessary health facilities. Holistically devoted in the service of paralyzed and disabled dogs, VOSAH looks for like-minded people to contribute so that they can help them in a better way. 
This Rising NGO has made significant steps to make paralyzed Stray Animals’ life easier by building a fully-funded shelter home. Treating more than 500 injured dogs, VOSAH is accepting a lot of love and support through his Facebook Page and willing to treat as many dogs they can.
With Different donations VOSAH creates awareness among people about the consequences of rash driving that harms the street animals and feeds dogs two square meals every day.  
The number of cases where animals get injured on roads are quite high and NGOs contribute a lot in facilitating them with aids and communicating to people how their actions can endanger an innocent animal’s life.
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