Dutee Chand's big statement, says "Now I have to start from scratch"
Dutee Chand's big statement, says

When the central government said in the fourth phase of the lockdown that players can start training, it was a matter of great pleasure for every player. Athlete Dutee Chand is no different from this. After spending the last two months behind the boundary wall, India's sprint runners have managed to return to their favourite place, the trek to the Kalinga Stadium. Dutee, however, believes that a lot has changed in the last few months. Dutee spoke to IANS about making a comeback on the track, while telling that there is a sense of caution inside everyone. She said that everyone wants to be vigilant and does not want to make any mistake. Not only in the stadium, but there have also been changes in Dutee's body as well, due to which she has been sitting at home for a long time. She said, "I used to warm up but I had some problems. Earlier I used to take five minutes to complete a distance of one kilometre but now it is taking seven minutes. The Asian Games silver medalist said," I practice at my home. Earlier we used to train in groups and used to inspire each other, but now I have to do everything alone and it is not a good feeling. "

Prior to the arrival of Coronavirus, Dutee was trying to increase her speed to 11.15 seconds in 100 meters, which is the Olympic qualifying mark. She took 11.22 seconds in Ranchi and with this, she also became the fastest runner in India, but she still has a long way to go to achieve the Olympic quota. Dutti said, "I was preparing for the Olympics, but then it was announced that there would be a lockdown in the entire country due to the epidemic. At that time, I was flogged to participate in a tournament, but it was cancelled. We had to go to the ground. There was not even approval. I was locked in my room. I had a lot of trouble in the initial days. " Due to this epidemic, the Tokyo Olympic Games has been postponed for a year. This news was mixed for Dutti. She told that due to the postponement of the Games she has suffered a huge financial loss and now she will have to start again.

Dutee said, "When the Olympics were postponed, I felt bad because I was working very hard. Financially, I had a lot of trouble because I had finished Rs 30 lakh on my training from October to February." She said, "I was thinking of going to Germany to prepare for the Olympics. I would train there for three months and then the tournament. But due to the coronavirus, I had to cancel all the plans. I have to start from scratch now." Now the return journey for Dutee has started and according to her, it is not going to be easy at all. To reach her old speed, first, she has to achieve her full fitness which will take time. She said, "It will take me three months to get back to my full fitness. When I start feeling fit, I will focus on gaining my speed. I think I will regain the speed I achieved in 2019 by February 2021 I can get it. "

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