WhatsApp Beta Tests QR Codes for Easy Chat History Transfer: All You Need to Know
WhatsApp Beta Tests QR Codes for Easy Chat History Transfer: All You Need to Know

WhatsApp, owned by Meta, is testing new updates aimed at improving user experience, with a standout feature that simplifies transferring chat history between devices using QR codes.

According to WABetaInfo, the latest beta version includes this innovative chat transfer feature. This new method makes it easier to move chat data from one device to another without using Google Drive.

The new feature will allow users to transfer chat data by generating a QR code on the old device. When upgrading to a new phone, users can scan this QR code with the new device to start the transfer process. This feature addresses a common issue for Android users who previously had to back up and restore conversations via Google Drive.

The QR code transfer method is expected to be more user-friendly than the previous multi-step Google Drive process. However, some details about how it will work are still unclear. For example, it's not confirmed if both devices need to be logged into WhatsApp during the transfer or if the QR code also helps with signing in on the new device. The transfer duration may also vary based on the amount of data being moved.

Currently, the beta version of this feature is available through the Google Play Store for users in the beta program. However, the beta program is at full capacity, so new users may have to wait until the feature is widely released. While there's no official timeline for the public rollout, the beta stage suggests it might be implemented soon.

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