White hair: Causes and ways to prevent it
White hair: Causes and ways to prevent it

Nowadays, at an early age, your hair starts to get white. There are many reasons for this, especially because of changes in diet. In today's world, even boys are getting premature hair, which is a matter of concern. People who are getting white can have their hearts at risk. Also, your lifestyle affects your hair, skin, and heart, kidneys, and so on. Let's tell you.

However, people who start to get white before age may be at risk of heart disease. New research warns this. "The findings of our research show that whiteness in hair, despite the actual age, reflects the biological age of the person and maybe a warning of heart disease," said Irene Samuel, a cardiologist at Cairo University in Egypt. Changes in it can be dangerous for you.

He explained that atherosclerosis is formed by the fat content inside the arteries and there are many similarities between whiteness in the hair. The cause of both is impaired DNA, oxidative stress, inflammation, hormonal changes and tensile of functional cells. "Atherosclerosis and hair whiteness is caused by similar biological processes and both increase as they age," says Samuel.

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