WHO urges China to disclose more COVID-19 data
WHO urges China to disclose more COVID-19 data

Beijing: The World Health Organization has urged China to continue disclosing information about its COVID-19 infection wave after the government disclosed nearly 60,000 deaths since early December in response to weeks of complaints that She was withholding information from the outside world.

The first official death toll since the Communist Party in power in December abruptly lifted anti-virus restrictions was recorded on Saturday despite a surge in infections in hospitals.

As a result, the WHO and other governments made an information request, and the US, South Korea and other countries placed restrictions on travelers from China.

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According to the government, COVID-19 caused 5,503 cases of respiratory failure, and it also caused 54,435 deaths from cancer, heart disease and other diseases between December 8 and January 12.

According to a WHO statement, the announcement "allows for a better understanding of the epidemiological situation." WHO's Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus reportedly spoke on the phone with Health Minister Ma Xiaowei. WHO requests that the public and we continue to receive this level of specific information, the organization said.

According to the National Health Commission, only hospital deaths were recorded, so anyone who died at home would not be counted. It did not say when or if it would release the new numbers.

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According to a health official, "the national emergency peak has passed" as daily visits to fever clinics have decreased by 83 percent since the peak on 23 December.

The official COVID-19 death toll in China, which stands at 10,775 since the disease was first discovered in late 2019, will more than double as a result of the report.

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In its official toll, China has only included deaths from pneumonia or respiratory failure, excluding large numbers of deaths that may have been caused by the virus in other countries.

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