Here's why dogs urinate on the tires of the car
Here's why dogs urinate on the tires of the car

All of us have often seen dogs urinating near carts and bushes and we think they like this place very much. By the way, many people around the world must have seen the dog soaking the tires of the car but very few people know the reason for this. Although many people say that this is a hereditary tradition for dogs, but today we are going to tell you the truth behind it.

Yes, let's know. Yes, there are some logical reasons behind it. It is said that dogs give first place to such a place of urination, which is standing upright because it makes their target sit accurately and urinate openly.

Not only this, due to this unique activity, they leave the smell of urine for other dogs at the height of their nose. Let us tell you that the smell of their urine is present on the vertical surface for longer than the horizon surface and this habit makes them familiar with other dogs in their area. Yes, actually it can be said that they tell other dogs that they were there some time back.

At the same time, dogs are more social animals than other animals and when they sniff the tires of the car, they get a lot of smells there, which include the waste, food and what not. At the same time, such a variety of smells attract dogs and dogs sniff the tires from a distance, so they make them wet.

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