Windows is facing a ‘potential extinction moment:Paul Thurrott
Windows is facing a ‘potential extinction moment:Paul Thurrott

May 4th, 2016: For Microsoft, Windows 10 has been welcome hit. After the huge disaster that was Windows 8.Rather than this,It become the open question of whether Microsoft is set up above the long haul to do good as a platform provider.

Paul Thurrott,the logtime Microsoft blogger writes that, “iOS and Android have been improving to such an extent as computing platforms that Windows may be a dead platform walking.”

“This is a potential extinction moment, with Android and iOS playing the role of the asteroid that is hurtling to earth to kill off the Windows dinosaurs.And if you think PCs are a small part of personal computing today, it’s only going to get worse a few years down the road as an entire generation of Google-services-using, Apple-hardware-wielding youngsters streams into the workforce expecting to use the tools they’re familiar with. Our children are not growing up on Microsoft technologies. To them, Microsoft is as relevant as Sears, AOL or IBM.”-he writes.

Android and iOS are full-blown Windows substitutes yet, because they just aren’t. In specific, Thurrott thinks that both platforms need “better multitasking user experiences, where apps can be arranged not just side-by-side on screen, but also in floating windows,”

As well as “some kind of a cursor and pointing hardware instead of just touch and pen.”

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