This is the main reason for osteoporosis in women, here's how you can treat it
This is the main reason for osteoporosis in women, here's how you can treat it

One of the main causes of bone problems in women is the lack of sleep or lack of sleep which is associated with the risk of osteoporosis. That is, the density of their bones (BMD) of women starts decreasing. This increases the risk of bone weakening and rupture. There is constant pain in the joints. Apart from this, there is a deficiency of estrogen in the blood. The risk of osteoporosis disease is higher in women than in men.

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According to a research, deep sleep is very effective in relieving you from all kinds of stress. If you are not able to sleep properly at night, your stress problem can increase up to 30%. The more you sleep deeply, the healthier your brain will be. Due to waking up late at night and getting less sleep than necessary, mental illnesses are increasing in people.

According to the report published in the New Health Advisor, people over the age of 18 should be sleeping about 20% of their total sleep every night. A deep sleep of at least 2 hours is very important for adults. Actually our body is a type of machine, for which it is not possible to work continuously. The muscles of the body are recharged by sleep.

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According to research, lack of sleep can negatively affect bone health, which is included in the list of negative health effects of poor sleep. The study included 11,084 postmenopausal women, with women who reported sleeping 5 hours or less per night, compared to women who had 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night.

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