Women's Health: This is the reason for smell and itching in vaginal discharge
Women's Health: This is the reason for smell and itching in vaginal discharge

There are many reasons for the smell and itching of vaginal discharge that occurs in women, there are roughly three types of discharge in women. The most common discharge is vulvo vaginal candiditis, which is caused by infection in the vagina.

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The second type of discharge is trichomonal vaginitis and the third bacterial vaginosis. Vagina has flora, which helps to keep the pH normal. When these changes occur, the number of bad bacteria starts increasing. Trichomonas vaginalis and bacterial veninosis are caused by infections in the vagina.

These three discharges occur for different reasons and different methods are also used to treat them. There is problem in this problem but there is no need to panic. In the treatment of these, tablets are given, tubes are given and medicines are given through pessary (inserted into vagina.).

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1. Vulvovaginal candiditis

This type of discharge has a thick and curd-like discharge but does not smelle from it. There is a lot of itching in the vagina (prupitis). Clotrimazole is given as a treatment for this (this medicine is given through both cream and pessary options.

Miteenazole is also given as a pessary and cream, while plucanazole is given as a food tablet. It is not considered, but it is recommended that if women have this disease, their partner should also get it checked.

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2. Trichomonal vaginosis

Trichomonal vaginosis results from infection with sex. There is itching and irritation in the condition of disease, it also smells and it has symptoms like dysphuria i.e., difficulty in urinating. It shows rate spots in the vagina. The discharge is thin, creamy, green and foamy.

3. Bacterial vaginosis

This disease is also caused by infection like Trichomonas vaginosis. In this too, mail partners are also advised to undergo treatment. The discharge is milky colored, thin and smells like fish. This infection is caused by the lack of lecto bacillus bacteria in the vagina. In fact, when this bacteria is deficient, the bad bacteria are effective in Vagina and the pH is changed.

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