World Bank Approves USD535 Million Aid for Pakistan's Social Protection and Livestock Sectors
World Bank Approves USD535 Million Aid for Pakistan's Social Protection and Livestock Sectors

The World Bank has sanctioned $535 million to bolster Pakistan's development efforts through two key projects aimed at enhancing social protection and transforming the livestock and aquaculture sectors in Sindh.

The funding includes $400 million for the Crisis Resilient Social Protection (CRISP) Programme, which aims to strengthen Pakistan's social security system. This initiative seeks to fortify the country's ability to respond swiftly and effectively to crises, such as the devastating floods of 2022. The CRISP programme has already provided regular support to over 9 million families, demonstrating its capacity to reach 2.8 million families during emergencies.

According to Najy Benhassine, World Bank Country Director for Pakistan, "The catastrophic floods that hit Pakistan in 2022 were a tragic reminder of the importance of building resilience to disasters. Strengthening social protection and economic sectors is crucial for absorbing climate shocks and promoting sustainable recovery."

Simultaneously, the Sindh Livestock and Aquaculture Sectors Transformation (LIVAQUA) Project will receive $135 million to promote climate-smart practices among small and medium producers. This project aims to enhance production methods, value addition, and market access in Sindh's livestock and aquaculture sectors. It is expected to benefit more than 940,000 farm families directly, including a focus on improving opportunities for female farmers.

Myriam Chaudron, Task Team Leader for the LIVAQUA project, highlighted its broader goals: "LIVAQUA will not only boost the livelihoods of livestock and aquaculture producers but also strengthen resilience against climate and health-related challenges. By improving sector policies and empowering local communities, the project aims to enhance food security and reduce greenhouse gas emissions."

Both initiatives underscore the World Bank's commitment to supporting Pakistan in building sustainable systems that can withstand future economic, climate, and health crises. These efforts are expected to pave the way for inclusive growth and resilience across the country.

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