World Food Safety Day: A Nutritionist's Guide to Unlocking the 24-Hour Food Clock
World Food Safety Day: A Nutritionist's Guide to Unlocking the 24-Hour Food Clock

As World Food Safety Day approaches, i.e, on June 7, nutritionists are highlighting the importance of maintaining a balanced diet throughout the day. A renowned nutritionist has shared her secrets, providing a detailed breakdown of her 24-hour food clock to promote good health and well-being.

Starting the day with a nutritious breakfast is crucial, says the nutritionist. She emphasizes the inclusion of whole grains, fruits, and protein to kickstart metabolism and provide sustained energy. "Breakfast sets the tone for the day," she adds.

Moving on to mid-morning, the nutritionist suggests a light snack, such as yogurt with nuts or a piece of fruit, to maintain energy levels and prevent overeating at lunch. Hydration is also important, and she recommends drinking water or herbal tea throughout the day.

For lunch, she advises a balanced meal with lean protein, vegetables, and whole grains. "A well-rounded lunch ensures you get essential nutrients and keeps you feeling full," she explains. She also highlights the importance of avoiding heavy, greasy foods that can cause sluggishness.

In the afternoon, a small snack is beneficial to keep energy levels up. This could include a handful of almonds, a piece of dark chocolate, or hummus with veggies. "Healthy snacks prevent overeating at dinner and help maintain focus," the nutritionist notes.

Dinner should ideally be the lightest meal of the day, consisting of lean protein, vegetables, and a small portion of whole grains. "Eating a lighter dinner aids digestion and promotes better sleep," she advises.

Finally, before bed, the nutritionist recommends a light snack if necessary, such as a small piece of fruit or a cup of herbal tea. "Avoid heavy or spicy foods close to bedtime," she warns, as they can disrupt sleep.

In addition to the 24-hour food clock, the nutritionist emphasizes the importance of food safety. "It's crucial to handle and store food properly to prevent foodborne illnesses," she stresses. She advises washing hands and surfaces often, separating raw and cooked foods, cooking foods to safe temperatures, and refrigerating promptly.

As World Food Safety Day approaches, the nutritionist's insights provide a comprehensive guide to maintaining a healthy and balanced diet throughout the day. By following these recommendations and prioritizing food safety, individuals can promote their overall health and well-being.

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