World Hydrography Day: Celebrating the Seas and Oceans in Unique Ways!
World Hydrography Day: Celebrating the Seas and Oceans in Unique Ways!

June 21, 2024,  marks World Hydrography Day, a day dedicated to highlighting the significance of hydrography in understanding our seas and oceans. This day was established to promote the importance of hydrography and how it contributes to the safety, efficiency, and sustainability of marine activities.

Hydrography is the science that measures and describes the physical features of bodies of water. It plays a crucial role in helping us navigate through the waters safely and sustainably. From ensuring safe maritime navigation to supporting marine resource management, hydrography provides essential information that is vital for various marine activities.

The International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) initiated World Hydrography Day, with the first celebration taking place in 2006. This date was chosen to commemorate the establishment of the IHO in 1921, making this year’s celebration even more special as it marks over a century of progress in marine surveying and charting.

The theme for this year's World Hydrography Day is “Hydrographic Information – Enhancing Safety, Efficiency and Sustainability in Marine Activities”. This theme underscores the importance of hydrographic information in enhancing safety at sea, optimizing maritime operations, and promoting sustainable marine practices.

To celebrate this day, various activities are organized around the world. These activities include workshops, seminars, and public demonstrations aimed at raising awareness about the importance of hydrography. It's an opportunity for experts, policymakers, and the general public to come together and discuss the latest advancements and challenges in the field of hydrography.

As we celebrate World Hydrography Day today, let us recognize the efforts of hydrographers worldwide who work diligently to chart the waters and ensure safer and more sustainable marine activities for all.

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