World Mental Health Day: 'Make mental health and well-being for all a global priority'
World Mental Health Day: 'Make mental health and well-being for all a global priority'

Today is World Mental Health Day. The purpose of the day is to increase public awareness of the value of mental well-being. The World Health Organization states that the day provides a chance for all individuals working on mental health issues to discuss their efforts. The day serves as a reminder of how important these initiatives are and how more work has to be done.

The WHO and several international organizations have recently highlighted the significance of mental health in reaching global development goals in recent years. Suicide is the fourth most significant cause of death among people between the ages of 15 and 29, and depression is one of the main causes of disability, according to the WHO.

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The main goals of World Mental Health Day are to organize support for mental health and increase awareness of global mental health challenges. The Day offers an opportunity for all parties involved in mental health issues to discuss their work and what else needs to be done to ensure that mental health care is available to everyone in the world.

The first World Mental Health Day was celebrated on October 10, 1992. The World Federation for Mental Health, a multilateral organisation with more than 150 member countries, spearheaded the project. Richard Hunter, the deputy secretary general, declared the day to begin.

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Follow these 7 recommendations to keep your thoughts peaceful and optimistic:

1. Get enough rest
Sleep has a huge impact on mental health. When we get enough sleep, it is simpler for us to handle problems, concentrate, think positively, and remember things. If you don't feel sleepy during the day, your sleep is sufficient.

2. Avoid thinking pitfalls
The way we think about things has a big impact on how we feel. When we think we can resolve a problem, we frequently experience happiness. We typically experience sadness when we don't think we can make a problem go away. These concepts are known as "thinking traps." They can leave us feeling unpleasant and stranded, which is why they are traps because they are easy to fall into.

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3. Take breaks
We should all schedule some downtime. It plays a big part in lowering stress and enjoying life. If we don't take the time to calm down, stress may accumulate to the point where we feel helpless to do anything. Breathing exercises, tai chi, yoga, and meditation are all suggested as ways to relax.

4. Stop judging yourself
Even though many of us detest judgment from others, the greatest criticism we often endure comes from ourselves. The single biggest cause of mental confusion and stress is internal self-judgments, therefore be aware of your thought patterns and learn to spot when your inner critic enters the scene. Being conscious of these concepts as they emerge is the first and most important step in replacing criticism with calm.

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