World NGO Day 2023: Know History, Significance & More
World NGO Day 2023: Know History, Significance & More

The 27th of February is designated as International NGO Day each year. The idea of observing this day was proposed to honour various non-governmental and non-profit organisations that work to improve society and the world in the past. 

World NGO Day not only gives us a chance to recognise and thank the good people who spend their lives working to improve the lives of underprivileged groups, but it also serves as a reminder to get more active in global affairs and look for methods to help lift the globe up. These features of this day make it a very significant day in February that has to be recognised by everyone. For more information on this significant day observed in February, read the World NGO Day article in its entirety.

Why is there a World NGO Day?: World NGO Day is a global celebration honouring the altruistic individuals who commit their life to improving and advancing the society in which they reside. The overarching goal of worldwide non-governmental and non-profit organisations is to work together to ensure that the earth and the people who inhabit it are sustainable enough for future generations to survive without unduly harming their renewable resources.

The origins of International NGO Day: Marcis Liors Skadmanis first suggested the idea for World NGO Day in 2009. He was a social entrepreneur who made significant contributions to the society he lived in. Although though it was first proposed in 2009, it was only first observed in 2014 as a way to recognise the contributions made by numerous non-profit and non-governmental organisations around the world. The Baltic Sea NGO Forum's 12 members established the holiday in 2010. International organisations including the European Union, United Nations, ASEAN, and others just began to recognise this project on a global scale in 2014.

According to the United Nations, a "organisation that is not-for-profit, volunteer citizen's group that is established at a local, national, or international level to address concerns in favour of the public good" is what World NGO Day is officially known as. Despite the fact that NGOs have a long history dating back to the 18th century, the idea of implementing NGOs in the modern world first emerged under the 1945-created United Nations charter.

Significance of World NGO Day: Every year, there is a global celebration of World NGO Day to provide a forum for people to exchange ideas and moral principles. It is a global project that recognises the contributions made by the many organisations throughout the world that seek to improve the lives of the people in their communities and assist us in achieving a minimal quality of living. 

The opportunity to recognise World NGO Day also allows us to demonstrate the extent of the work made to improve society. This day is a wonderful opportunity to learn about the efforts made by philanthropists and different international organisations to enable members of the global village to overcome their challenges together.

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