This is the world's most expensive mango
This is the world's most expensive mango

Mango is called the king of fruits and in India, it has also been given the status of national fruit. Many varieties of mangoes are grown here and the most common mangoes in the world are also eaten in India, but you hardly know that the world's most expensive mango is not found in India and its price It is also so that even the biggest rich people get rid of sweat in buying it. So, today we are going to tell you about this mango.

Actually, Taiyo no Tamago (Egg of the Sun) is one such variety of mango, which is grown in Miyazaki province of Japan and sold all over Japan. Here every year, this special and expensive mango grown is the first bid, in which their prices start touching the sky. This mango is not cultivated in the same way as other varieties, but it is cultivated only on orders. The quality of this mango is that it is half red and half yellow. In Japan, it is prepared between summer and winter, so its price is very high.

In the year 2017, a pair of this mango was bid, in which it was sold for $ 3600 i.e. around two lakh 72 thousand rupees. The weight of each mango was 350 grams. You can think that when the price of a mere 700 grams of mango is more than two and a half lakh rupees, then to buy a kilo you will have to spend more than three lakh rupees. Now you must be wondering why the price of this mango is so high, utmost care is taken to grow it. Japanese farmers surround each mango with a small net, which allows sunlight to hit the skin at all angles (giving it a uniform, ruby-red colour) and does not let the fruit fall down from the tree is. When mangoes are fully ripened, they fall into their own mango trap and get stuck, which are then sold out at high prices. This mango is very tasty and juicy in food.

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