"Brain network responsible for feelings of stress", Yale Study discovers

Washington: New research by Yale University scientists is offering novels that generate intense subjective feelings of stress in our brains. Studies show which neural networks are triggering stress sensations, increasing the likelihood of future therapeutic interventions that can specifically control brain activity in subjects with mental health disorders. A great deal of research over the past few decades has found physiological mechanisms that reduce stress. We know a lot about how organisms respond to stress physically and how our brains respond. But little is known about how our brain produces a subjective feeling of tension. While prior studies have provided.

While researchers used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate this, the investigation revealed how the hippocampus communicates with other brain regions exposed to acute stress. Many human subjects were scanned when they viewed a series of images. Pictures alternate between a collection of stressful and threatening images, such as dirty toilets or violent animals such as dogs, and neutral or relaxing images, such as pictures of nature. During this process, all subjects rated their subjective feelings of stress upon viewing the images. It was found that the more stressed a person is, the more active neural connections are between the hippocampus and the hypothalamus.

The hypothalamus is the brain region responsible for the release of glucocorticoids, a hormone that plays a role in physiological stress responses. The study also showed that when subjects reported low levels of stress sensitivities, especially when viewing threatening images, of activity between the hippocampus and the dorsal lateral frontal cortex. Researchers were able to effectively estimate a person's subjective sense of stress, before finally measuring acute hippocampal connectivity with another person's brain regions.

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