You wouldn't know these importance of conch, know here
You wouldn't know these importance of conch, know here

There are many beliefs in Hindu beliefs that have been implemented for centuries. In fact, Hinduism is embedded in scientific grounds. Whatever is described in ancient and eternal beliefs is friendly to nature and respected by science. But at present, we do not go on the scientific side of it and only adopt the orthodox and religious side, due to which we are moving away from nature.

There are many beliefs that we can take advantage of in life by adopting them. These beliefs include blowing the conch in the evening worship and believing the conch is very holy. Actually, the conch is found from the sea. Conch shells of different sizes have their own importance but all conch shells are used in invoking God.

It is believed that Conjugation in the evening destroys the germs present in the atmosphere. As far as the sound of the conch is heard, there is no ill effect for some distance from it. There is no disturbance in the nervous system of the conch player. By filling water in the conch and keeping it in worship and sprinkling that water in the house, germs are destroyed. The conch contains calcium, phosphorus, sulfur and its parts also get into the water. Therefore, spraying and drinking conch water improves health. There is a conch protector. It also destroys enemies.

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