Don't Forget to Do This Work During the Month of Shravan, or Problems May Increase
Don't Forget to Do This Work During the Month of Shravan, or Problems May Increase

The month of Shravan, beginning on July 22nd, is a sacred period dedicated to Lord Shiva. Beyond its religious significance, Shravan coincides with the monsoon season, which necessitates special attention to health and lifestyle practices. Many traditions observed during this month have practical health benefits, especially given the increased prevalence of bacteria and infections in the rainy season. Here are several activities that should be avoided during Shravan, along with the reasons behind these practices.

1. Avoid Cutting Nails
During Shravan, elders often advise against cutting nails, and there is a practical reason for this. The rainy season promotes the rapid spread of bacteria. Trimming nails, especially toenails, can expose the skin to fungal infections, which are more common in damp conditions. By avoiding nail cutting, you can reduce the risk of these infections taking hold.

2. Ensure Daily Bathing
Bathing daily is a recommended practice during Shravan, not just for religious reasons but also for health. The high humidity and frequent sweating during the monsoon season create an ideal environment for bacteria to thrive on the skin. A daily bath helps in keeping the skin clean and free from harmful bacteria, thus preventing infections.

3. Wear Clean Clothes
It is important to wear clean, dry clothes during the monsoon season. Wet and dirty clothes can harbor bacteria and other pathogens that can cause skin infections and other health issues. Therefore, changing into clean, dry clothes regularly is crucial for maintaining good health during Shravan.

4. Avoid Applying Oil on the Body
Elders often advise against applying oil to the body during Shravan. The reason behind this practice is that oil can attract moisture and create a conducive environment for bacteria and fungi to grow on the skin. This can lead to various skin issues and infections, which are more common in the humid conditions of the monsoon.

5. Restrict Consumption of Certain Foods
During Shravan, it is common to avoid certain foods like meat, fish, and green leafy vegetables. These foods are more susceptible to bacterial contamination during the rainy season, which can increase the risk of foodborne illnesses. Meat and fish can spoil quickly in humid conditions, while leafy greens can harbor insects and other pathogens.

6. Avoid Brinjal and Aged Yogurt
Brinjal (eggplant) and aged yogurt are also typically avoided during this period. Brinjal can attract insects and pests during the rainy season, making it less safe to consume. Similarly, aged or sour yogurt can be harsh on the digestive system and might lead to stomach upsets or other health issues.

Practical Health Benefits
Many of these traditional practices align with modern health advice. For example, maintaining personal hygiene, wearing clean clothes, and being mindful of diet are all practices that can help prevent the spread of infections and maintain overall health. By adhering to these guidelines, one can enjoy the monsoon season while minimizing health risks.

The month of Shravan is not only a time for spiritual devotion but also an opportunity to focus on health and hygiene. By understanding the practical reasons behind traditional prohibitions and following these practices, individuals can protect themselves from common monsoon-related health issues. Observing these customs thus serves a dual purpose of fulfilling religious duties and promoting physical well-being.

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