Your resume will be ready in minutes, it will help in job search, LinkedIn brings amazing AI feature
Your resume will be ready in minutes, it will help in job search, LinkedIn brings amazing AI feature

LinkedIn has launched a full suite of AI-powered tools, aiming to enhance productivity and success among professionals and employers alike. Initially available for premium customers worldwide, these features include AI-powered job search, assistance with bio-data and cover letters, personalized learning, and expert guidance tailored for recruiters, marketers, and small businesses.

Detailed Insights on New Features

LinkedIn has provided detailed insights into its latest features. Users can now leverage LinkedIn's AI-powered job experience to optimize their job searches effectively. The Job Seeker Coach will interact with users in plain language, guiding them through the process of finding suitable positions based on their preferences. The company claims this initiative will drive a 68% change in workplace skill fields by 2030. With this feature, users not only find job searches easier but also streamline their CV creation process with AI tools. Premium customers can engage with LinkedIn courses in real-time and easily seek advice on their topics of interest.

Several New Features Released for Businesses

LinkedIn has also rolled out several new features tailored for businesses. The new Recruiter 2024 is now available globally, potentially benefiting business professionals significantly. Small businesses can leverage premium company pages, designed to enhance growth with AI-guided messaging and custom CTAs.

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