Your weight is decreasing rapidly, it is a sign of these serious diseases
Your weight is decreasing rapidly, it is a sign of these serious diseases

There are many people around the world who are troubled by their increasing weight. However, many people are also troubled by the decreasing weight and sometimes this weight can also decrease due to some disease. Yes and today we are going to tell you about those diseases which can be the reason for weight gain.

Cancer – Rapidly decreasing weight should not be ignored because sometimes it can be a sign of serious diseases. Yes, and if there is no change in your diet and routine, yet you are losing weight rapidly, then it can also be a symptom of cancer. Yes, and if you see such signs in yourself or someone, see a doctor.

Thyroid – Thyroid is of two types, most people know that. Yes and one in which the weight starts increasing rapidly and the other in which the weight decreases. Thyroid has a direct effect on metabolism. Let us tell you that when the metabolism of the body slows down due to thyroid, then weight starts increasing. On the other hand, if the metabolism starts increasing rapidly, then the weight starts decreasing rapidly.

Rheumatoid Arthritis – Rheumatoid arthritis is a serious chronic disease associated with joint pain, in which the body's energy is spent more, due to which the weight starts decreasing rapidly. Yes, and rheumatoid arthritis is more likely to occur between the ages of 30 and 50.

Stomach related problems – If our gut (belly) is not healthy, then it is possible that our weight starts decreasing rapidly. In fact, sometimes weight loss also occurs due to lactose intolerance, celiac, Crohn's (inflammation in the intestines). Many times we take a diet rich in protein and other nutrients, despite this, due to stomach problems, proteins, vitamins and minerals are not absorbed in the body, and due to this the problem of malnutrition starts.

Drug addiction – People who have drug addiction can also have problems with rapid weight loss.

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