All the actors in Bollywood these days are spending time at home. Now meanwhile, video of Bollywood actress Zareen Khan surfaced. Recently, she has posted a video again, in which she is seen in a completely new style. In this video, Zareen Khan is saying that "I have no shame". She has made this video in a fun style for the entertainment of the fans.
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This video of Zareen Khan is becoming very viral on social media and everyone is engaged in praising Zareen. In this video, she is talking in a different type of accent and she has posted this video on her Instagram account. Her video has got more than 18 lakh views. The fans are giving their reaction through the comment on this video. She recently shared a video, in which it was seen that she is dusting in the balcony.
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In that video, the actress was seen mopping the window and mirror in the balcony. Zareen Khan entered the acting world with Salman Khan's film 'Veer' and after this film, Zareen Khan 'Housefull-2, Ready, Hate Story-3, Veer and many more.
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