5 Amazing tips to keep bananas Fresh!!!
5 Amazing tips to keep bananas Fresh!!!

I’m sure we all have ended up buying bananas and throwing at least one or two away, and felt terrible. But now you won’t have to. Bananas turn brown because of a simple oxidation process. as soon as you cut a banana open, the pulp starts reacting to the air and turning brown.

Here are some amazing tricks to keep bananas fresh for longer.

Put it in a Fruit juice

Cut slices and soak the bananas in fruit juice, they take time to turn brown; when you’re using them they still look fresh and appetizing. You can add them to pies, parfaits or pack them for lunches.

Soak them in soda water

Weird, right? But soda water is known for its ability to preserve freshly sliced fruits. The best part is, it doesn’t even change the taste of the banana.

Cover the bananas

Bananas should be kept out open in a bowl. If the top gets too much sunlight, cover with a small hand towel. Avoid keeping them in the fridge as they turn brown soon. If you can’t eat too many, avoid buying more.

Seal/ wrap them

Bananas become brown as the fruits release ethylene gas through their stems, which causes the bananas to ripen quicker. To prevent this, separate each banana from the bunch and tightly wrap each stem in plastic kitchen wrap. This trick keeps bananas from browning for about a week, depending on the temperature of your kitchen.

Lime Juice/ Diluted Vinegar

Toss your banana slices in some lemon juice to inhibit enzymatic browning. Full coverage, particularly on the cut sides, will help prevent the slices from turning brown. In addition to lemon juice, vinegar will also work.

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