11 Indians die in America due to coronavirus

Washington: Coronavirus has caused a furore all over the world. Thousands of people are being killed every day. Its direct effect is now visible in America. America has become the new center of Corona. In the US, 2000 people have died due to coronavirus epidemic in the last 24 hours. In the US, the number of people who died of Coronavirus has increased to 14,779.

Meanwhile, 11 Indians living in America have died due to corona. At the same time, 16 coronas have been found positive. According to the information, all Indian citizens suffering from infection in the US are male, ten of whom were living in New York and one in New Jersey. Four of the contagious are reported to be taxi drivers in New York City. So far, more than 6,000 people have died in New York City. While 1,500 people have died in New Jersey so far. According to media reports, an Indian citizen allegedly died of coronavirus in Florida.

According to the information, all 16 Indians, including four women found corona infected, are self-isolates. Of these, eight are from New York, three from New Jersey and the rest are from states like Texas and California. They are originally from Uttarakhand, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh, India.

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