Practice Balayam yoga for natural hair growth, this is how it works

Everyone is advised to rub nails for healthy and shiny hair. Many times you must have heard that your hair grows and becomes black by rubbing nails. Many people do not believe this, but if you are ignoring it, do not do it. Because it is really beneficial for hair growth. The process of rubbing the nails is known as Balayam Yoga. Practising Balayam Yoga 5-10 minutes per day can regrow your hair and reduce hair problems and stimulate blood flow to the scalp and reduce problems such as hair loss and dandruff.

The right way to practice Balayam Yoga Practising Balayam Yoga is quite easy. To practice Balayam Yoga properly, just bring your hands close to the chest, finger inwards and rub the nails on each other. For best results, do not rub the thumbnail. To get results as soon as possible, practice this yoga 5 to 10 minutes daily.

How does it work Balayam Yoga is beneficial for reducing baldness and also helps in hair growth. In addition, it prevents hair loss and premature hair becoming white. It is believed that there are some nerve endings under the nails, so, when you rub the nails, it stimulates your brain to send a signal to revive the dead hair follicles.

When do the results appear You need the patience to see results. Hair fall will reduce after 3-6 months and hair growth will begin after 6-9 months.

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