Do you known about the Postpartum Depression and its symptoms ?

Postpartum Psychosis is a serious disorder that develops after childbirth. The birth of a baby can trigger different emotions ranging from joy, happiness to anxiety, fear and sadness.

It is a depression that some mothers go through after delivery. Postpartum depression affects a high percentage of mothers.

It can start a few months before birth. It is still not clear as to what causes it, but some say it is a result of hormonal imbalances and sleep deprivation.

Women who go through this condition feel anxiety, sadness and exhaustion. It is said that this form of depression can crop up even after one year of childbirth.

The mother's thought process is totally affected. It affects the way she things about herself and others. In some severe cases, mother's could neglect their newborn and it's important to treat it as soon as possible.

Symptoms that come with it are:

A feeling of sadness. At times you would feel like crying and doubting yourself whether you are ready to take on this new role of being a mother. You may feel confused and scared. Some will blame themselves for not being able to bond or look after the child well. Emptiness and loneliness creeps in and you feel like you are all alone and nobody cares about you. You may feel annoyed and get angry very fast. You may become forgetful and will not be able to remember things. Some mothers will feel like eating all the time, while others will not feel like eating anything.

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