Fearing failing NEET, a student commits suicide

Tamil Nadu: Fearing failure in the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET), a student of Kinnathukadavu in Tamil Nadu's Coimbatore district committed suicide. This was Kirtivasan's fourth attempt to write the exam. He was reportedly worried that he would fail the exam for the fourth time, and reportedly told his mother that the questions on the exam were difficult.

In a critical condition, Kirtivasan was taken to the Pollachi Government Hospital for medical treatment, where he was given first aid. He then died on the way to the government hospital in Coimbatore. Kinathukadavu police registered a case and started investigation.

This is the fifth NEET-related death in the state this year. A day before the exam, 20-year-old Dhanush from Salem killed himself because he was worried that he would not be able to clear the exam for the third time. A day after the exam, 17-year-old Kanimozhi committed suicide. T Soundarya from Vellore district took her own life on 15 September. This prompted the state government to launch a helpline to provide assistance to students suffering from suicidal thoughts or mentally affected by NEET in any other manner. Earlier this month, K Anu, a 17-year-old NEET examinee from Urampakkam in Chengalpattu, died almost a month after trying to take his own life.

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