Make delicious Pumpkin Raita at home with these simple steps

You must have made a pumpkin vegetable at home and it tastes amazing. Apart from this, you can also try pumpkin raita at home. Pumpkin raita also tastes delicious. If you have raita with food, then the pleasure of food increases even more. It is very easy to make pumpkin raita at home and it takes about twenty-five minutes to make it. So let's know how to make delicious pumpkin raita at home.

Ingredients for making pumpkin raita

Pumpkin - 200 grams

Curd - 350 grams

Red chilli powder - 1 tsp

Cumin Powder - 1/2 tsp

Coriander leaves - 1 tbsp

Salt - as per taste

Oil - 2 tbsp

Step 1 First, you have to peel the pumpkin properly. After this, remove the seeds from the pumpkin and after removing seeds, grate it well.

Step 2 Now you have to heat the oil in a pan. After it heats up, add pumpkin and salt to it. Fry it well for three to four minutes. When the pumpkin is cooked properly, turn off the gas. Then you have to leave it to cool down for some time.

Step 3 After this, add curd, light salt, cumin powder and coriander leaves in 1 pot and mix it well. When it dissolves well, add the cooked pumpkin to it. After adding the pumpkin, mix it well. Pumpkin raita will be ready in 3 steps with these simple. It will take you about 25 minutes to make it.

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