Hydroponic farming will save the world from the changing trend of climate pollution

New Delhi: Due to increasing pollution, the area of farming is shrinking on the one hand and on the other hand, climate change also poses challenges in crop production. Hydroponic farming can prove to be useful for farmers to deal with these and for better yield of crops. Experts at Himalaya Institute of Biosampled Technology (IHBT), Palampur said this during the training program based on hydroponic farming.

Plants are grown without soil: Researchers say that hydroponic farming is a modern technique, in which plants are grown without soil in a controlled climate. In this method, instead of soil, plants are cultivated only between water or sand or pebbles. Hydroponic farming is done under controlled conditions in a humidity of about 80 to 85 percent at 15 to 30 degree Celsius temperature.

Special solution is used: It has been discovered that Dr. Bhavya Bhargava, scientist of IHBT, told farmers from different parts of the country that the nutrients and minerals needed to provide nutrition to plants in hydroponic method A special solution is used. In this solution, elements like phosphorus, nitrogen, magnesium, calcium, potash, zinc, sulfur and iron are added in special proportions. After a certain interval, a specified amount of this solution is used to nourish the plants.

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