ICAI Exam 2020 Dates: Exam dates of CA released, See full schedule here

New Delhi: The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has announced the exam date of November 2020. The May session was not tested due to Coronavirus infection this year. Now, this exam will also be held along with the November session. According to the recently released schedule, the foundation course will take place on 9,11,15 and 17 November.

For the intermediate course examination, examinations will be conducted in two groups under the old scheme. The Group I exam will be held on November 2,4,6 and 8 while the Group II exam will be held on November 10, 12, and 16. Under the new scheme, the intermediate course examination will also be conducted in two groups. The exams for Group I will be held on November 2,4,6 and 8 and the exams for Group II will be held on November 12, 16, and 18.

Under the old scheme, the final course exam will also be conducted in two phases. Group I will have exams on November 1,3,5 and November 7. The Group II exam will be held on 9,11,15 and 17 November. The date of the new scheme is also the same. Insurance and Risk Management Technical Examination for classes I to IV will be conducted on 9,11,15 and 17 November. The International Trade Lodge and World Trade Organization Part I exam will be taken on November 2 and 4, while the Group B paper will be on November 6 and 8.

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