Do this a remedy during Navratri to attract wealth and good luck

Goddess Durga is worshiped during Navratri, which is considered very beneficial. In such a situation, many measures can also be taken during this, so that every wish is fulfilled. Now Navratri is starting from October 17 and will end on October 25. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you a solution that you can easily do. By doing this remedy, you will fulfill the desire that you will ask while doing this remedy. 

To do this remedy, first of all take a clean, new, beautifully decorated clay pot. Now you put a few grains of Sapta Paddy, 1 rupee or silver coin. After this, fill the Ganges water mixed with water. Now put betel nut, puja almond and turmeric knot inside the urn. After this, sprinkle very little kumkum, abir and rice on the water and then cover it with a lamp. Keep in mind that small pooja is to be kept on the diyas and tie a pulse on the coconut. After this, to worship the Kalash properly. Now, for the whole nine days, join hands in front of the Kalash, close the eyes and remember Goddess Durga and Mahavidya. With this, during this time, you should express your desire to your mind.

Keep in mind that you have to do this for nine days. If you are not able to do this for nine days, then do it on Navami day. After that, sprinkle urn water on yourself and the whole house. Now offer the remaining water in basil, peepal or any sacred plant. With this, if possible, drain it in water, river or clean lake. Keep in mind, do not forget to keep a coin with the Kalash worship material and immerse everything else. With this, keep in mind that before raising the urn, say your wish 108 times on the last day. By doing this your wish will be fulfilled.

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