Nurse from Kolkata stranded in Afghanistan with children seek help from govt

All after the political stir n Afghanistan a nurse from Kolkata who has been in Afghanistan since 2002 is now stranded in a city about 200 km from the capital Kabul with her two children. The nurse's parents have now appealed to the Mod govt to evacuate their daughter and grandchildren. The nurse has been unable to travel to Kabul as there are no Indians in the proximity and Taliban fighters are guarding the streets outside her house. Even though she has her passports and visas ready, there is little she can do in the present situation.

"She is stuck at home and unable to step out. They are alone and there is no one to help. They step out for ration. When the son stepped out, the Taliban targeted him and said they wanted him to join their forces," said the nurse's 75-year-old mother. The nurse's 84-year-old father has appealed to the Indian government to bring his daughter and grandchildren back safely to the country. "My appeal is that my daughter comes back to me. Since I know about the Taliban, I want help to bring her back," he said.

The nurse married an Afghan in Kolkata and moved to Afghanistan when her son was two years old. She has separated from her husband and worked at a clinic near her home in Afghanistan. The nurse's neighbour said the family had ration stock for 4-5 days. they said that local shops are nearby houses but they don't have enough courage to step out of the house.

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