Dispute in Uttarakhand on reservation in promotion issue

The dispute regarding reservation and direct recruitment in the state government is going on, but there are issues in the employees' organizations. The organizations associated with General OBC and SC-ST employees are preparing for a new war on their fronts, as well as to fight to make the reservation a fundamental right in all India organizations. On one hand, the General OBC Employees Association is now preparing to go to court by removing the first post from the general recruitment roster to the SC. In order to keep its side firmly in the court, the association is trying to get the facts related to the roster, while the genie of the reservation dispute can come out of the bottle once again.

After losing the battle of reservation in promotion, employees and social organizations belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes of the state have now started increasing their strength. Right now this battle is being fought at the level of employees under the banner of Uttarakhand General OBC Employees Federation. But in order to protect the interests of SC ST and give more strength to the fight for reservation, SC-ST Personnel Welfare Committee has been formed in the Secretariat itself. All India Confederation of SC ST Tribal Organizations has also knocked in the state. According to the state president of the federation, Matan Lal, the state and district units of the confederation will be formed in a month. After that, the war of reservation will be intensified.

After winning the reservation fight in the promotion, now the General OBC Employees Association is very vocal on the issue of direct recruitment roster. The association is determined to agitate against reserving the first post in the roster for SC in place of General. The association is very vocal about the SC-ST Atrocity Act and has started pressuring the government to stop misuse of this law. For this, on June 26, all the employees associated with the association are going to protest by lighting a candle at night. After this, the strategy will be decided in the meeting of the State Executive of the Association.

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