Risk of diabetes is more in these people, Read here

These days, diabetes is a common disease that is not confined to any age. It can happen to anyone, but in a recent study, it has been found that the risk of type 2 diabetes is higher in people of short height. With increase in every 10 cm height reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes in 41 percent of men and 33 percent of women. This research has been published in Medical Journal Diabetologia. This is because people of short stature have high liver fat which is related to heart disease, stroke and diabetes. It is important to note that height also plays an important role in the risk of diabetes. Blood glucose or blood sugar is very high in diabetes patients, which they get by eating. There are two subtypes of the disease. Type 1 diabetes: This disease is detected in childhood and about 10% of its cases occur. In this, a hormone called insulin, which controls blood sugar levels in the body, cannot be produced. Type 2 diabetes: Insulin is not produced in sufficient quantity in the body. This means that glucose remains in the blood. This type of disease is associated with obesity and if it is not controlled, it can cause blindness, kidney damage, heart disease or stroke.

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