Hungry people are cranky people;they becomes 'HANGRY'

“Hungry people are cranky people,” says the lead author Brad Bushman, Ph.D. Also, being hungry can cause extreme anger in some people. But where does hanger come from? And why is it that only some people seem to get hangry? The answer lies in some of the processes that happen inside your body when it needs food.

People feel hangry (hunger and anger) when their blood sugar dips too low for normal function. What happens is as the blood sugar drops very low it affects your hormones and mood. When you eat, the body breaks down the sugars and starches into glucose to fuel the body’s cells. Not everyone experiences this; some people are more susceptible than others. Blood sugar can drop because you haven’t eaten anything in a while or you haven’t eaten the right things.

Our bodies are just like cars. They need fuel to run; same way we need food or we can feel dizzy, tired, depressed, stressed and get a severe headache. The more you skip your and the more you eat simple carbohydrates, toast for breakfast, jelly beans at your desk, a candy bar mid-afternoon, the worse you feel because simple carbohydrates and all that sugar move through the bloodstream quickly. “Hanger” is both physiological and emotional. It is physiological because you are hungry and it is emotional because now you are angry.”

Another reason hunger is linked to anger is that both are controlled by a common gene which is “neuropeptide Y”, a natural brain chemical that released into the brain when you are hungry. It stimulates uncontrolled feeding behaviours.

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