Instant multimedia messaging app Telegram and WhatsApp have been fighting for security for quite some time, although the number of WhatsApp users has always been more than Telegram, but after the spread of infection, the number of users of Telegram suddenly saw a tremendous increase Got to The biggest reason for this was that all the governments of the world, including India, first started giving information related to the infection on Telegram, although later on WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger, information related to the infection started. Telegram has released a number of updates over the past few months. Now the company has released many features such as video editing, chat folder and fast media view. In the new update of Telegram, you will also find animated stickers and trending gif files. The biggest benefit of the new update will be that you will be able to do basic editing of videos along with chatting. For your information, let us tell you that video quality can also be adjusted after the new update of Bat Deb. Apart from this, you will also be able to use animated stickers during photo editing. This means that you will be able to convert even a simple photo into a jiff file. In Telegram 6.0 version, you will find a chat folder in which you can move any of your chats. A popup menu will also be available for the chat folder. Also Read: Rahul Gandhi attacks government, says 'It is ruining the economy' Preparations for Bihar Legislative Assembly intensified, Amith shah to start campaign Corona havoc continues in Pakistan, 1935 people dead so far China Manifesto threatens India says, 'We will not leave one inch land' Donald Trump claims, 'India will have more Corona cases than America'