The dead bodies are not even found..! How does Qatar itself, which gives knowledge to India, treat its workers?

New Delhi: The Islamic country Qatar, while reacting sharply to the ongoing dispute regarding Prophet Mohammad, gave knowledge on human rights to India. Now shocking information has come to the fore about how human rights are violated by Qatar itself. In fact, the Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS), the trade union wing of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), has expressed serious concern over the treatment of migrant workers like slaves in Qatar. BMS has alleged on Tuesday (14 June 2022) that the rights of migrant laborers, especially Indians, are being grossly violated in Qatar.

In a statement, BMS Secretary General Binoy Kumar Sinha said, "We have been informed by several human rights organizations that ever since Qatar won the bid to host the upcoming edition of the FIFA World Cup, Indian workers there have been slaves." Like living life. India's largest central trade union BMS said that 1611 Indian migrant workers have died in Qatar since 2014. Dead families have to wait a long time to receive the bodies of their own people. It's a topic of concern The BMS has taken up the issue with the Government of Qatar and the trade union.

Along with this, there has also been a protest in front of the Embassy of Qatar in India. The issue was also taken up with the Ministry of Labor and External Affairs. BMS demanded that all basic facilities be provided to all Indian workers in Qatar and their human rights should be respected. Seeking compensation to the family of the deceased as well, BMS further said that, 'If the Qatar government does not take positive steps on these fronts, then BMS will be bound to take up the issue at both national and international forums at the earliest. .'

The convoy system in Qatar has been a serious blow to workers from India as well as other South Asian countries. The workers are being mentally harassed by confiscation of passports, overtime work, cramped accommodation, sexual exploitation, forced work outside their area of ​​expertise.

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