Two unmanned missions will be launched by the end of 2022

New Delhi: India is scheduled to send 2 unmanned missions into space before Gaganyaan by the end of 2022. This information was issued by Union Minister of State Jitendra Singh in response to questions raised in the Rajya Sabha amidst question hour.  Jitendra Singh has said that India plans to set up a space station by 2030 which is going to be a unique station of its kind. The Union Minister has said that the unmanned mission is going to be completely robotic. One is going to be sent by the beginning of the coming year and the other by the end of the year. Singh has said that with the success of Gaganyaan, India could be one of the frontline countries in the world in the space sector.

Preparations for Venus and Solar Mission: It is found that referring to the achievements of ISRO, he has said, "Along with Gaganyaan, Venus is going to continue for the mission, solar mission (Aditya) and Chandrayaan. Various missions were delayed due to the Covid epidemic and but now preparations for the same have started at a rapid time and Chandrayaan is planned to be sent in the coming year.

Gaganyaan: Journey to the lower orbit of the earth: According to the information received so far, the Minister has also said that through the Gaganyaan Mission, anyone is going to travel to the lower orbit of the earth. More than 500 establishments are involved in this mission. A number of research modules are to be created, including research modules manufactured in India.

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