Police stopped groom at check post, bride reaches on the bike to get married

The groom, who was carrying Rudrapur Barat of Uttarakhand from Milak village in UP, was stopped by the police at the UP-Uttarakhand border on Rampur Road. When the police refused to go further, the bridegroom's men took the bride to the border with a bike and got both screened there. After this, both of them could get married. When the groom reached the Rampur border on Friday, the police asked him to show the permission of the UP police. The groom had the permission of SDM Milak, but in Uttarakhand, the bride's side had no permission to get married. Because of which the bride and her family were called to the border. The bride reached the border sitting on the bike.

For your information, let us tell you that later they were married in a temple in UP. Khemkaran, a resident of Milak of Rampur, was to be married in the transit camp area of Rudrapur. On Friday, people from the groom's side were bringing Procession. The groom was accompanied by three people, including a car driver and brother. On reaching the border of Uttarakhand, police stopped Barat at a check post made in front of Rudrapur Degree College. Magistrate Girish Sharma collected the information after conducting a thermal screening of Baratis. Khemkaran told that his Procession is going to the transit camp in Krishna Nagar.

Along with this, it came to know that the bride's party does not have the permission of the wedding during lockdown. In such a situation, the police did not allow the bride to go to the bride's house. Local magistrate Govind Bisht called the bride there and allowed her to go to UP. After this, the bride and groom went to UP and they could get married in a temple there. SDM Mukta Mishra said that she does not know about the marriage, no permission was sought from her.

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