Shepherd attacked by an uncontrollable bull

Chhattisgarh: In the village Bagrar under the police station area, the shepherd was attacked by an uncontrolled bull on Monday evening. The young man suffered a lot from the attack. He succumbed while taking him to Bilaspur for treatment in a critical condition. In this case, on the instructions of Pendrarod SDM, the bull was saved and sent to Kanji House. According to the information, Gulboo Yadav, a shepherd of the village in village Bagrar under the Marwahi police station area, went to the farm to feed the cattle of the village like Rose. A bull living in the village for almost four months attacked Gulbo Yadav. He was picked up by the horn and slammed. Due to this, he was seriously injured. There were serious injuries in his legs, mouth, and chest.

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After this accident, he was admitted to Marwahi Community Center for first aid, where his health worsened in the evening. Seeing this, he was referred to Bilaspur from Marwahi. On his way to Bilaspur, he died on the way, then the information of this incident was given to Marwahi Police. At the same time, the Marwahi Police immediately established a merger and prepared a deadpan for the dead body and sent it for postmortem. Where Marwahi BMO KK Dhruv handed over the body to the family members after PMing it. The body was cremated at Bagrar in the afternoon. After this incident, there was an atmosphere of panic in the village.

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The death of the villager in the bull attack was given to Pandraroad SDM Mayank Chaturvedi and DFO Rakesh Mishra and Marwahi Tehsildar Sunil Aggarwal. On the instructions of SDM Mayank Chaturvedi, Veterinary Officer of Marwahi, Dr. Rahul Gautam reached village Bagrar with his tomb and with the help of the people sent the bull to Kanji House. In this regard, Veterinary Officer Dr. Rahul Gautam said that now the bull will behave normally, after being castrated, it has been kept in Kanji House. In this regard, Amol Singh, sarpanch of village Bagrar has informed that we will demand from the administration that this bull should be left in the distant forest.

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