New Delhi: Ashish Sharma, resident of Arjan Nagar, showered kindness to the dog in Safdarjung police station area. Where he sought help for the injured dog by searching the number from Google. It is also being said that Ashish Sharma, a resident of Arjan Nagar, saw a dog in a wounded condition on the road. When he searched Google for his help, he found a number. Ashish Sharma spoke on that number. The phone picker said the expense of sending an ambulance was five rupees. A form was filled and a link was sent to Ashish. On this, he was asked to pay five rupees. Ashish opened the link and paid 500 on it.
According to the information received, the message of withdrawing Rs 40,000 from his bank account came shortly. Ashish reached the Safdarjung police station to complain about this and made the duty officer talk to the accused. At the same time, it is also being said that the accused abused the duty officer as well. On his complaint, the Safdarjung Enclave Police Station registered a case and started the investigation.
It has been learned that a case of cheating has also surfaced in Tilak Marg police station area with an officer of the Ministry of Defense. When he called with the number from Google, the cost was told to be five rupees. A link was sent asking them to pay 500. He did the same. Shortly thereafter, he received messages to withdraw Rs 40,000 from his bank account.
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