A Doctor in Bengaluru infected with Omicron
A Doctor in Bengaluru infected with Omicron

Bengaluru: A Bengaluru-based anesthesiologist doctor, who was one of the country's first two people to be diagnosed with the novel Covid-19 variant 'Omicron,' and is doing well as per reports. His primary contacts are his wife, an ophthalmologist; his daughter and another ophthalmologist, both of whom are recuperating well, according to health department authorities.

The doctor has been placed in isolation and is being monitored at the designated hospital. His wife and children are also receiving care at the facility. The treatment of Omicron variant infected as well as suspected cases have been assigned to an entire floor of the designated hospital. Six people are being treated and kept under observation at this time.

According to hospital sources, up to 60 beds have been set aside to deal with any eventuality. The workers who are caring for them have been told not to go to other wards or wander around the hospital grounds.

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