After success of "Kyun", Ronit is ready to drop a Single
After success of

Ronit Vinta is a songwriter and composer hailing from Shimla. He is an indie musician. He takes up various projects from other artists to hone his skills and accelerate his music career. Ronit’s venture into the musical world was rather a fluke. He composed a song while he was in 12th grade and it received lots of love and praise. That was the break he needed and since then he’s been unstoppable and is composing marvels.

Ronit Vinta expresses that this song holds a special place in his heart. He wrote this song during a very rough patch in his life and it holds the essence of it. He jotted down everything that he was feeling in that particular moment and that’s the secret behind the realism of this song. He states that this song holds all the emotions and is not just released for commercial purposes. He feels that a part of him is permeated in this track.

The song talks about the agony that the person is feeling when a very dear one left him. It is packed with original sentiments and holds an intrinsic meaning to it. “Kyun” is a question and this song is all about those unanswered questions. Ronit Vinta shares that his inspiration comes from everything that happens to him, that is personal experiences or anything in his vicinity. He puts on the shoes of the person who he wants to write about and then pens down the lyrics.

As our artist shares that it took almost a year to complete this track. The process was long and it consisted of many additions and subtractions. Ronit Vinta describes that this song was precious to him and so he was focusing on every minute detail. He kept on changing music or lyrics if it didn’t satisfy him or his heart. It consumed a lot of time but he is thankful for the fact that it happened and came out beautifully.

He advises that everything takes time. Even, he is aiming for something and he has still not achieved it but he knows it’s nearby. He suggests everyone trust themselves and hustle. As they will keep on growing their grass, the success will surely reap states Ronit.

“A lion does not concern himself with the opinion of a sheep”, and that is his mantra to live a beautiful life.

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