Amazing Facts: Mobile phone facts that will shock you
Amazing Facts: Mobile phone facts that will shock you

Mobile phones have become such an integral part of our everyday lives over the past decade that you rarely see a person without one nowadays. We use them to not only make calls and send texts but also check the latest news online, play games, listen to our favorite songs, and so on. However, did you ever stop to wonder how much you actually know about your favorite device and its history?

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  • Your mobile phone has more computing power than the computers used for the Apollo 11 moon landing
  • The Nokia 1100 was the best-selling electrical gadget in history, selling more than 250 million phones!
  • In 1983, the first mobile phones went on sale in the U.S. at almost $4,000 each.
  • In 2012, Apple sold more than 340,000 iPhones per day! That equals roughly 4 phones per second!
  • Mobile phones have 18 times more bacteria than toilet handles.
  • In Japan, 90% of cell phones are water-proof.
  • The first call made from a mobile phone was placed by Martin Cooper in 1973.
  • Present-day cell phones have more computing power than the computer used for Apollo 11 to land on the moon!
  • In Britain, more than 100,000 cell phones are dropped in the toilet every year!
  • 70% of cell phones are manufactured in China.
  • Around 80% of the world’s population has a cell phone.
  • More than 90% of adults have their cell phone within arm’s reach at all times.
  • There are more cell phones than PCs, at a ratio of 5:1!
  • The cell phone industry is the fastest growing industry in the world.
  • According to Guinness World Records, Sonim XP3300 Force is recognized as the toughest phone. It survived an 84-Foot drop with no operational damage.
  • The iPhone 5 Black Diamond is the most expensive phone in the world, costing $15 million, and taking 9 weeks to build. The phone is made of 135-gram solid gold of 24 carats and the chassis was inlaid with 600 white diamonds.
  • Cell phone users spend the majority of their time on games (49%) and social networking (30%).

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