Corona breaks records in America, 76 thousand new cases reported in a single day
Corona breaks records in America, 76 thousand new cases reported in a single day

Washington: Due to the Corona epidemic in America, the situation is getting worsen. In the last 24 hours, more than 76 thousand new coronavirus cases have been registered in the US, which is a record. With this, the number of total infected in the US has reached 4 million i.e. four million, which is the highest in the world.

In the beginning, many cases were continuously coming in America and the number of deaths was also increasing at a fast pace. At the same time, there is now a second wave of corona in America, in which the record of new cases is being broken every day. In the last 24 hours, 1225 people have died due to Coronavirus in America. According to John Hopkins University, the total number of cases in America is now around 40 lakh 35 thousand, while the figure of deaths is going to reach 1.5 lakh. In the US, more than 65 thousand cases are being filed every day for the last several days. US President Donald Trump has given more testing the main reason behind it.

There is a crisis of coronavirus in America now, but preparations are also going on for the presidential election to be held in November. Meanwhile, US President Donald Trump has announced that the Republican Party Convention to be held in August will not be held this time. It has now been postponed. Donald Trump said that it would be better to avoid it given the current situation, because it is a matter of people's lives.

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