52 thousand new cases found in last 24 hours in America
52 thousand new cases found in last 24 hours in America

Washington: The speed of coronavirus in America is now becoming uncontrollable. In the last 24 hours, 52 thousand new Corona cases have been reported in America. These are the most cases in America in one day. That too, the process of opening everything in America is going on. According to John Hopkins University, there are more than 26 lakh coronavirus cases in America, which is the highest in any country. Whereas, 1.28 lakh people have died due to this virus so far.

Many experts in America say that cases are increasing due to increasing negligence because people are now coming out of their homes without restraint. In the last few days, the cases of coronavirus in the world have increased and its most impact is seen in countries like America, Brazil, and India.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a total of 1.89 lakh cases were reported in the world on Tuesday, which was the highest record in any one day. In America, where more than 40 thousand cases are coming every day, then more than 30 thousand cases are coming from Brazil every day. 20 thousand cases are being reported daily in India for the past several days.

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