Hollywood actor Andy Cohen become victim of corona, found positive
Hollywood actor Andy Cohen become victim of corona, found positive

Coronavirus has caught many parts of the world. The virus has brought business to a standstill across the world. American TV host Andy Cohen has reported that he is infected with Covid-19. He told, "As soon as I saw the symptoms of corona, I did a test and kept myself in isolation. Later my report was found positive." Cohen has appealed to people to stay at home.

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Since the arrival of this sad post, Cohen's fans are praying for his speedy recovery. He is a well-known celebrity. After their wedding, Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas were involved in his show and told many things related to their relationship. Actress Indira Verma, who worked in 'Game of Thrones' before Cohen, was also found infected with the coronavirus. She is undergoing treatment.

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Indira on the other hand wrote, 'I am in bed and my health is unfortunate. Stay safe and healthy and be kind to the people around us. It is very sad that our and many programs around the world have been affected by Covid-19. We hope to return soon.' Olga Kurilenko's Corona test report, which worked in James Bond's film 'Quantum of Solace', also came positive. Prior to Olga, Tom Hanks and his wife were also found positive in Corona's test. Although both are fine now

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