Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan recently appeared at a song launch event of his upcoming film ‘102 Not Out’ along with Rishi Kapoor. Here he interacted with the Press reporters about various issues. He spoke openly about his experience while shooting with his many time co-star Rishi Kapoor after a span of 27 years, he also put the spotlight on some ill-fated situations that are prevailing in the country.
The nation is at present revolting against the horrific and brutal rape of Kathua and Unnao. While the entire nation is protesting demanding justice for the minor girls who were raped and murdered the government seems to be wordless to all these demands and voices.
When Senior Bachchan was asked about these sexual attacks on women on a usual basis, as he is the brand ambassador of the movement ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’, He said, “Even discussing this issue feels disgusting, don't bring up this issue. It is terrible to even talk about it”.
In the Kathua case, an eight-year-old girl was allegedly drugged, tortured and gang-raped endlessly for a week by eight people in Jammu and Kashmir's Kathua on January while In the Unnao case, the survivor has alleged that she was raped by Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLA Kuldeep Singh Sengar at his residence on June 4, 2017, where she had to go with a relative seeking a job.